LA INERCIA DE LOS ESCOMBROS BARJOLA MUSEUM La inercia de los escombros / The inertia of the rubble Recycled and dyed plastic with heat plates. 12 x 18 m.Read more
LA INERCIA DE LOS ESCOMBROS BARJOLA MUSEUM La inercia de los escombros / The inertia of the rubble Recycled and dyed plastic with heat plates. 12 x 18 m.Read more
One step back. Perforated paper and mixed media. 120 x 150cm. Opened hands and flies. Epoxy resin. 120 x 150cm. Paisaje Umbrío Video projection on recycled plastic installation 20 x 14 x 10 m. PAISAJE UMBRÍO BARJOLA MUSEUM Untitled. Series: Paisaje unmbrío. Black perforated papers. 70 x 140 cm.Read more
THE INVISIBLE MAN LA CAIXA FOUNDATION (LLEIDA) RELATED WORKS Untitles. Series: The invisible man. Perforated paper 32,5 x 46 cm.Read more
LIFEGUARD 2021 CHIESA DI SAN GIORGIO. You Video Festival was located in different buildings of Salerno. Other artist in the festival: AES+F, Adrian Pacci, MASBEDO, Studio Azzuro, etc.Read more
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